24/7 Call Center — Bedside-to-Bedside Medical Evacuation Services
AC Global Air Ambulance is owned and operated by Milan and Joan Floribus. Milan has been involved in the air ambulance and medical evacuation industry since 1981 and is widely known and respected across the world. His wife, Joan, has been in the industry since 2006, and provides the highest quality patient care and medical evacuations via air ambulance available on the globe.
When choosing an air ambulance company, it is important to select one that is reliable and will be there when you need them most. The team at AC Global Air Ambulance has the training and experience to provide the best in medical evacuations.
➤ Experienced Medical Staff
➤ Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Licensed Pilots (No Helicopters)
➤ On Board Medication Available
➤ Ground Ambulance Transport
➤ Cargo Door Aircraft Available for Loading and Unloading
➤ Logistics Experts To Get You Where You Need To Be
Our aircraft is equipped for both ALS (Advanced Life Support) and BLS (Basic Life Support) medical transports.
All fixed-wing air ambulance companies must operate under an FAA 135 Certificate holder, and AC Global Air Ambulance is no different. Our aircraft provider - Pegasus Elite Aviation - has received the highest rating offered by ARG/US, and has been deemed a ARG/US Platinum Rated Operator. This level of safety rating is only awarded to those operators who have met the criteria for the lower ratings of Silver and Gold, as well as successfully passing an on-site safety audit conducted by ARG/US itself. With this Platinum Rating, you are ensured the highest quality care.
AC Global Air Ambulance adheres to all generally accepted air ambulance industry accreditation guidelines.
We also have an aircraft provider Fly 4 You Inc. DBA Security Aviation in Anchorage, Alaska.
With over 30 years of experience in the Air Ambulance, we are confident that our services are the best in the business. If you are looking for Air Ambulance services including Medical Evacuation, Repatriation, Medical Escort, and more, give AC Global Air Ambulance a call at 888-ACG-7490 or 858-437-5131.
24/7 Call Center
Give us a call today for a free quote.
© 2020 AC Global Air Ambulance